type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm053-CZ Cucumbers and gherkins in CZ 1.00 t 0.0957 0.0957
input Ca053-GR Cucumbers and gherkins in GR 0.0479 t 0.00300 0.0627
input Ca053-BG Cucumbers and gherkins in BG 0.0638 t 0.00762 0.119
input Ca053-HU Cucumbers and gherkins in HU 0.0580 t 0.00635 0.109
input Ca053-RO Cucumbers and gherkins in RO 0.0101 t 0.00170 0.168
input Ca053-CZ Cucumbers and gherkins in CZ 0.115 t 0.0205 0.179
input Ca053-ES Cucumbers and gherkins in ES 0.423 t 0.0203 0.0480
input Ca053-SE Cucumbers and gherkins in SE 0.00118 t 1.197e-04 0.102
input Ca053-WL Cucumbers and gherkins in WL 5.331e-04 t 1.598e-04 0.300
input Ca053-PL Cucumbers and gherkins in PL 0.0494 t 0.00595 0.120
input Ca053-IT Cucumbers and gherkins in IT 0.00114 t 1.902e-04 0.168
input Ca053-SK Cucumbers and gherkins in SK 0.0221 t 0.00268 0.121
input Ca053-WF Cucumbers and gherkins in WF 9.948e-05 t 6.629e-05 0.666
input Ca053-FR Cucumbers and gherkins in FR 4.219e-04 t 7.228e-05 0.171
input Ca053-WM Cucumbers and gherkins in WM 5.020e-06 t 5.507e-07 0.110
input Ca053-WE Cucumbers and gherkins in WE 0.0189 t 0.00239 0.126
input Ca053-AT Cucumbers and gherkins in AT 0.00966 t 0.00103 0.107
input Ca053-GB Cucumbers and gherkins in GB 1.073e-04 t 8.676e-06 0.0808
input Ca053-TR Cucumbers and gherkins in TR 0.00186 t 2.696e-04 0.145
input Ca053-DE Cucumbers and gherkins in DE 0.149 t 0.0189 0.127
input Ca053-HR Cucumbers and gherkins in HR 0.0286 t 0.00436 0.153