type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm090-DK Lettuce and chicory in DK 1.00 t 0.331 0.331
input Ca090-ES Lettuce and chicory in ES 0.392 t 0.0373 0.0950
input Ca090-GB Lettuce and chicory in GB 7.871e-04 t 1.817e-04 0.231
input Ca090-FI Lettuce and chicory in FI 2.528e-04 t 5.367e-05 0.212
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1499 tkm 0.183 1.220e-04
input Ca090-LV Lettuce and chicory in LV 5.733e-05 t 8.173e-06 0.143
input Ca090-DE Lettuce and chicory in DE 0.0659 t 0.0155 0.236
input Ca090-SE Lettuce and chicory in SE 0.0664 t 0.0158 0.238
input Ca090-IT Lettuce and chicory in IT 0.0828 t 0.0179 0.217
input Ca090-PT Lettuce and chicory in PT 3.685e-04 t 7.338e-05 0.199
input Ca090-WM Lettuce and chicory in WM 1.740e-04 t 2.142e-05 0.123
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 55.9 tkm 6.107e-04 1.093e-05
input Ca090-WE Lettuce and chicory in WE 0.00497 t 0.00180 0.363
input Ca090-NO Lettuce and chicory in NO 4.837e-04 t 1.068e-04 0.221
input Ca090-HU Lettuce and chicory in HU 5.552e-05 t 9.010e-06 0.162
input Ca090-DK Lettuce and chicory in DK 0.344 t 0.0500 0.145
input Ca090-GR Lettuce and chicory in GR 2.147e-05 t 2.785e-06 0.130
input Ca090-FR Lettuce and chicory in FR 0.0399 t 0.00886 0.222
input Ca090-PL Lettuce and chicory in PL 0.00168 t 3.325e-04 0.198