type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm090-PT Lettuce and chicory in PT 1.00 t 0.190 0.190
input Ca090-ES Lettuce and chicory in ES 0.0953 t 0.00906 0.0950
input Ca090-GB Lettuce and chicory in GB 4.474e-05 t 1.033e-05 0.231
input Ca090-DE Lettuce and chicory in DE 0.00134 t 3.162e-04 0.236
input Ca090-IT Lettuce and chicory in IT 0.00777 t 0.00168 0.217
input Ca090-PT Lettuce and chicory in PT 0.890 t 0.177 0.199
input Ca090-BE Lettuce and chicory in BE 4.049e-04 t 5.923e-05 0.146
input Ca090-FR Lettuce and chicory in FR 0.00514 t 0.00114 0.222