type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm101-JP Mushrooms and truffles in JP 1.00 t 0.0274 0.0274
input Ca101-JP Mushrooms and truffles in JP 0.998 t 0.0273 0.0274
input Ca101-WA Mushrooms and truffles in WA 8.131e-05 t 3.798e-06 0.0467
input Ca101-US Mushrooms and truffles in US 1.066e-04 t 2.390e-06 0.0224
input Ca101-FR Mushrooms and truffles in FR 1.972e-06 t 3.354e-08 0.0170
input Ca101-IT Mushrooms and truffles in IT 2.549e-05 t 3.793e-07 0.0149
input Ca101-CA Mushrooms and truffles in CA 0.00162 t 3.151e-05 0.0195
input Ca101-BE Mushrooms and truffles in BE 3.641e-06 t 6.451e-08 0.0177
input Ca101-CN Mushrooms and truffles in CN 7.465e-06 t 3.819e-07 0.0512