type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Fa0404-IN Whole fish, shrimps {IN} Aquaculture of shrimps in IN 1.00 t 2.11 2.11
input Ma0309-CN Feed lupine kernel meal {CN_TW} Feed protein and feed energy in CN 0.208 t 0.500 2.41
input Ma0322-WW Fish oil as feed {GLO} Market for oil and fat in WW 0.0312 t 0.146 4.68
input Ma0325-WW Squid oil {GLO} Market for oil and fat in WW 0.0130 t 0.0607 4.68
input Ma0300-ID Wheat, middlings {ID} Cultivation of wheat in ID 0.127 t 0.124 0.975
input Ma0308-WW Soy lecithin {GLO} Market for oil and fat in WW 0.00649 t 0.0304 4.68
input Ma0321-WW Feed fish meal {GLO} Feed protein and feed energy in WW 0.308 t -0.130 -0.421
input Ma0326-WW Feed squid meal {GLO} Feed protein and feed energy in WW 0.0941 t -0.0540 -0.574
input Ma0298-ID Wheat, gluten {ID} Cultivation of wheat in ID 0.0649 t 0.0633 0.975
input Ma0323-WW Fish soluble concentrate {GLO} Feed protein and feed energy in WW 0.0130 t -0.00547 -0.421
input Em153-IN Electricity market in IN 0.00701 TJ 1.10 157
input Ma0290-WW Soybean meal {GLO} Market | conseq in WW 0.294 t -0.0601 -0.204
input Ma0327-WW Feed shrimp meal {GLO} Feed protein and feed energy in WW 0.104 t -0.0683 -0.657
input Ma0291-ID Wheat, meal {ID} Cultivation of wheat in ID 0.263 t 0.257 0.975
input Ma0328-WW Feed shrimp head meal {GLO} Feed protein and feed energy in WW 0.0519 t -0.0269 -0.518
input Ma0335-WW Soybean oil {GLO} Market for vegetable oils in WW 0.0130 t 0.0607 4.68
input Ma0296-ID Wheat, bran {ID} Cultivation of wheat in ID 0.108 t 0.105 0.975