type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Pa042-DK Mayonnaise packaging, glass in DK 1.00 t 0.646 0.646
input Em066-DK Re-processing of secondary glass into new glass in DK 0.232 t -0.0736 -0.316
input Em131-DK Incineration of waste: Metals and Inert materials in DK 0.254 t 0.163 0.641
input Em072-DK Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys and first products thereof in DK 0.0245 t 0.104 4.25
input Em065-DK Manufacture of glass and glass products in DK 0.465 t 0.459 0.987
input Em073-DK Re-processing of secondary steel into new steel in DK 0.00245 t -0.00653 -2.67