type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm017-GLO Brazil nuts, with shell in GLO 1.00 t 2.01 2.01
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1598 tkm 0.195 1.220e-04
input Ca017-WL Brazil nuts, with shell in WL 0.403 t 0.486 1.21
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 1.162e+04 tkm 0.127 1.093e-05
input Cm017-GLO Brazil nuts, with shell in GLO 0.597 t 1.20 2.01