type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm074-GLO Groundnuts, with shell in GLO 1.00 t 1.65 1.65
input Ca074-ID Groundnuts, with shell in ID 0.0128 t 0.0358 2.80
input Ca074-MX Groundnuts, with shell in MX 0.00215 t 0.00354 1.65
input Ca074-KR Groundnuts, with shell in KR 3.482e-04 t 5.045e-04 1.45
input Ca074-ES Groundnuts, with shell in ES 2.233e-05 t 2.408e-05 1.08
input Ca074-WA Groundnuts, with shell in WA 0.0524 t 0.0731 1.39
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1619 tkm 0.198 1.220e-04
input Ca074-BG Groundnuts, with shell in BG 1.518e-05 t 2.526e-05 1.66
input Ca074-IN Groundnuts, with shell in IN 0.167 t 0.233 1.40
input Ca074-TR Groundnuts, with shell in TR 0.00368 t 0.00377 1.02
input Ca074-WF Groundnuts, with shell in WF 0.285 t 0.434 1.52
input Ca074-ZA Groundnuts, with shell in ZA 3.964e-04 t 7.730e-04 1.95
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 1.489e+04 tkm 0.163 1.093e-05
input Ca074-BR Groundnuts, with shell in BR 0.0126 t 0.0118 0.940
input Ca074-CN Groundnuts, with shell in CN 0.368 t 0.400 1.09
input Ca074-US Groundnuts, with shell in US 0.0568 t 0.0489 0.862
input Ca074-GR Groundnuts, with shell in GR 8.889e-05 t 1.010e-04 1.14
input Ca074-WM Groundnuts, with shell in WM 0.00601 t 0.0103 1.71
input Cm074-GLO Groundnuts, with shell in GLO 0.00139 t 0.00229 1.65
input Ca074-JP Groundnuts, with shell in JP 3.475e-04 t 4.817e-04 1.39
input Ca074-AU Groundnuts, with shell in AU 3.359e-04 t 2.820e-04 0.840
input Ca074-CY Groundnuts, with shell in CY 6.726e-06 t 1.335e-05 1.98
input Ca074-HU Groundnuts, with shell in HU 1.121e-07 t 2.388e-07 2.13
input Ca074-WL Groundnuts, with shell in WL 0.0299 t 0.0313 1.05