type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm088-GLO Lemons and limes in GLO 1.00 t 0.573 0.573
input Ca088-ES Lemons and limes in ES 0.0553 t 0.00707 0.128
input Ca088-GR Lemons and limes in GR 0.00375 t 7.380e-04 0.197
input Ca088-WF Lemons and limes in WF 0.0375 t 0.00733 0.196
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1554 tkm 0.190 1.220e-04
input Ca088-IN Lemons and limes in IN 0.141 t 0.0377 0.267
input Ca088-WA Lemons and limes in WA 0.0344 t 0.0118 0.342
input Ca088-PT Lemons and limes in PT 8.941e-04 t 2.380e-04 0.266
input Ca088-BR Lemons and limes in BR 0.0715 t 0.0120 0.167
input Ca088-AU Lemons and limes in AU 0.00271 t 5.818e-04 0.215
input Ca088-WL Lemons and limes in WL 0.163 t 0.0334 0.205
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 1.264e+04 tkm 0.138 1.093e-05
input Ca088-CY Lemons and limes in CY 4.738e-04 t 2.756e-04 0.582
input Ca088-WM Lemons and limes in WM 0.0705 t 0.0158 0.224
input Ca088-JP Lemons and limes in JP 5.030e-04 t 1.942e-04 0.386
input Ca088-HR Lemons and limes in HR 3.307e-05 t 1.496e-05 0.453
input Ca088-FR Lemons and limes in FR 0.00135 t 4.908e-04 0.363
input Ca088-IT Lemons and limes in IT 0.0252 t 0.00650 0.258
input Cm088-GLO Lemons and limes in GLO 0.00210 t 0.00120 0.573
input Ca088-MX Lemons and limes in MX 0.141 t 0.0458 0.325
input Ca088-ZA Lemons and limes in ZA 0.0187 t 0.00580 0.310
input Ca088-MT Lemons and limes in MT 2.699e-05 t 7.642e-06 0.283
input Ca088-CN Lemons and limes in CN 0.133 t 0.0406 0.305
input Ca088-US Lemons and limes in US 0.0475 t 0.0101 0.212
input Ca088-TR Lemons and limes in TR 0.0493 t 0.00773 0.157
input Ca088-WE Lemons and limes in WE 2.099e-04 t 1.057e-04 0.504