type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm101-GLO Mushrooms and truffles in GLO 1.00 t 0.440 0.440
input Ca101-PT Mushrooms and truffles in PT 0.00131 t 2.470e-05 0.0189
input Ca101-GR Mushrooms and truffles in GR 5.070e-04 t 1.549e-05 0.0305
input Ca101-TR Mushrooms and truffles in TR 0.00445 t 1.369e-04 0.0307
input Ca101-JP Mushrooms and truffles in JP 0.00728 t 1.993e-04 0.0274
input Ca101-NL Mushrooms and truffles in NL 0.0332 t 7.195e-04 0.0217
input Ca101-PL Mushrooms and truffles in PL 0.0310 t 6.356e-04 0.0205
input Ca101-RO Mushrooms and truffles in RO 0.00161 t 3.539e-05 0.0220
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1641 tkm 0.200 1.220e-04
input Ca101-HU Mushrooms and truffles in HU 0.00273 t 3.707e-05 0.0136
input Ca101-GB Mushrooms and truffles in GB 0.0110 t 2.018e-04 0.0183
input Ca101-SK Mushrooms and truffles in SK 2.293e-04 t 5.752e-06 0.0251
input Ca101-IE Mushrooms and truffles in IE 0.00774 t 1.655e-04 0.0214
input Ca101-CH Mushrooms and truffles in CH 8.191e-04 t 1.364e-05 0.0167
input Ca101-AT Mushrooms and truffles in AT 1.548e-04 t 2.998e-06 0.0194
input Ca101-WA Mushrooms and truffles in WA 0.00412 t 1.923e-04 0.0467
input Ca101-KR Mushrooms and truffles in KR 0.00266 t 9.482e-05 0.0357
input Ca101-ES Mushrooms and truffles in ES 0.0164 t 2.146e-04 0.0131
input Ca101-ID Mushrooms and truffles in ID 0.00452 t 1.760e-04 0.0389
input Ca101-DK Mushrooms and truffles in DK 4.346e-04 t 8.146e-06 0.0187
input Ca101-US Mushrooms and truffles in US 0.0473 t 0.00106 0.0224
input Ca101-FR Mushrooms and truffles in FR 0.0110 t 1.879e-04 0.0170
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 1.781e+04 tkm 0.195 1.093e-05
input Ca101-WF Mushrooms and truffles in WF 8.365e-04 t 1.696e-05 0.0203
input Ca101-IT Mushrooms and truffles in IT 0.00756 t 1.125e-04 0.0149
input Ca101-CA Mushrooms and truffles in CA 0.0145 t 2.819e-04 0.0195
input Ca101-RU Mushrooms and truffles in RU 0.00107 t 3.389e-05 0.0317
input Ca101-WM Mushrooms and truffles in WM 0.00828 t 3.944e-04 0.0476
input Ca101-ZA Mushrooms and truffles in ZA 0.00208 t 7.089e-05 0.0341
input Ca101-WE Mushrooms and truffles in WE 0.00418 t 1.591e-04 0.0381
input Ca101-BE Mushrooms and truffles in BE 0.00326 t 5.769e-05 0.0177
input Ca101-CY Mushrooms and truffles in CY 7.995e-05 t 1.321e-05 0.165
input Ca101-CN Mushrooms and truffles in CN 0.744 t 0.0381 0.0512
input Ca101-FI Mushrooms and truffles in FI 1.487e-04 t 2.541e-06 0.0171
input Ca101-IN Mushrooms and truffles in IN 0.00840 t 4.423e-04 0.0526
input Ca101-AU Mushrooms and truffles in AU 0.00557 t 1.439e-04 0.0258
input Ca101-MT Mushrooms and truffles in MT 1.853e-04 t 3.781e-06 0.0204
input Ca101-LU Mushrooms and truffles in LU 2.212e-07 t 7.202e-09 0.0326
input Ca101-LT Mushrooms and truffles in LT 0.00181 t 5.701e-05 0.0315
input Ca101-DE Mushrooms and truffles in DE 0.00798 t 1.471e-04 0.0184
input Cm101-GLO Mushrooms and truffles in GLO 0.00128 t 5.629e-04 0.440