type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Cm176-GLO Walnuts, with shell in GLO 1.00 t 1.89 1.89
input Ca176-CH Walnuts, with shell in CH 7.394e-04 t 0.00188 2.54
input Ca176-WL Walnuts, with shell in WL 0.0255 t 0.0454 1.78
input Ca176-IN Walnuts, with shell in IN 0.00958 t 0.0233 2.43
input Ca176-LU Walnuts, with shell in LU 7.257e-06 t 1.938e-05 2.67
input Ca176-KR Walnuts, with shell in KR 3.301e-04 t 9.836e-04 2.98
input Cm176-GLO Walnuts, with shell in GLO 3.974e-04 t 7.493e-04 1.89
input Ca176-PL Walnuts, with shell in PL 0.00209 t 0.00366 1.75
input Ma0362-DK Road transport, tkm {DK} >32 t truck | conseq in DK 1487 tkm 0.181 1.220e-04
input Ca176-WM Walnuts, with shell in WM 0.109 t 0.183 1.67
input Ca176-MX Walnuts, with shell in MX 0.0412 t 0.0817 1.98
input Ca176-WF Walnuts, with shell in WF 0.00290 t 0.00311 1.07
input Ca176-SI Walnuts, with shell in SI 1.617e-04 t 4.079e-04 2.52
input Ca176-HR Walnuts, with shell in HR 8.099e-04 t 0.00464 5.73
input Ma0271-ID Sea transport {ID&MY} Transoceanic tanker | conseq in ID 1.458e+04 tkm 0.159 1.093e-05
input Ca176-CY Walnuts, with shell in CY 3.513e-05 t 2.976e-04 8.47
input Ca176-BR Walnuts, with shell in BR 0.00160 t 0.00323 2.02
input Ca176-US Walnuts, with shell in US 0.181 t 0.243 1.34
input Ca176-IT Walnuts, with shell in IT 0.00354 t 0.00568 1.60
input Ca176-DE Walnuts, with shell in DE 0.00525 t 0.00902 1.72
input Ca176-HU Walnuts, with shell in HU 0.00183 t 0.00467 2.55
input Ca176-GR Walnuts, with shell in GR 0.00836 t 0.0115 1.37
input Ca176-CZ Walnuts, with shell in CZ 2.642e-05 t 1.590e-04 6.02
input Ca176-FR Walnuts, with shell in FR 0.0117 t 0.0248 2.12
input Ca176-RO Walnuts, with shell in RO 0.00990 t 0.00839 0.848
input Ca176-BG Walnuts, with shell in BG 0.00144 t 0.00579 4.02
input Ca176-WA Walnuts, with shell in WA 0.0265 t 0.0316 1.19
input Ca176-ES Walnuts, with shell in ES 0.00433 t 0.00670 1.55
input Ca176-CN Walnuts, with shell in CN 0.446 t 0.699 1.57
input Ca176-TR Walnuts, with shell in TR 0.0566 t 0.0893 1.58
input Ca176-WE Walnuts, with shell in WE 0.0470 t 0.0488 1.04
input Ca176-PT Walnuts, with shell in PT 0.00125 t 0.00310 2.48