type code description inventory inventory contribution intensity
amount unit tCO2eq tCO2/unit
output Fa0023-DK Margarine in DK 1.00 t 2.60 2.60
input Ma0350-DK Fuel, natural gas {DK} Fuel and combustion, energy unit in DK 0.735 GJ 0.0580 0.0789
input Em039-DK Processing vegetable oils and fats in DK 0.0348 t 0.0403 1.16
input Ma0061-UA Refined sunflower oil {UA} Refining of sunflower oil in UA 0.0348 t 0.108 3.10
input Em153-DK Electricity market in DK 3.893e-04 TJ 0.00549 14.1
input Ma0283-DK Water {DK} Collection, purification and distribution of water | conseq in DK 0.291 m3 2.809e-04 9.637e-04
input Ma0289-ID RBD palm oil {ID&MY} Palm oil refinery, average | conseq in ID 0.264 t 1.24 4.68
input Ma0060-DE Refined rapeseed oil {EU27} Refining of rapeseed oil in DE 0.362 t 1.15 3.18
input Ma0353-DE Fuel, oil {DE} Fuel and combustion, energy unit in DE 0.00700 GJ 6.691e-04 0.0956